Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Do You Believe?

    I think it's safe to say that are many opinions, as well as many stories, when it comes to the paranormal. Some might consider it all to be a bunch of hogwash. For others, it might have had a significant impact on their lives. I personally believe it is an interesting subject, and have wanted to study it (investigations, etc.) for quite some time now. Although work and personal life make it difficult to do so, maybe one day I'll take that step into the world of the unknown. 
     According to http://www.dictionary.com/, the definition of paranormal is of or pertaining to the claimed occurrence of an event or perception without scientific explanation, as psychokinesis, extrasensory perception, or other purportedly supernatural phenomena. So, obviously, this does not pertain to simply just ghosts, spirits or demons. The so-called big foot, or chupacabra would also be considered paranormal. I personally have trouble believing in the creature sightings (Big Foot, Lochness Monster etc.) simply because of the fact that, although there are plenty of stories, the lack of hard evidence makes it difficult to buy into. As far as ghosts are concerned; due to personal experiences and the multitude of hard evidence out there on TV and on the web, it seems to me that these are things that actually exist.
         When I was about 9 years old, I lived in a house near Austin, TX that, in my opinion, was haunted. And I say "was" because the house no longer stands. It was torn down to make way for a widened road. Anyway, I had a few experiences that I can honestly say, beyond the shadow of a doubt, were unexplainable. Banging and scratching noises were heard. Cold spots were present. And how could I forget the mist figure in the bathroom, staring me right in the eyes while grinning. Or sitting on the edge of my bed and feeling a hand slap on my calf, only to discover there is nothing, let alone no one under my bed. Those last two were, by far, the most unsettling. But the others weren't frightening at all. Unusual, for certain, but not frightening.
      Many people have shared their ghost stories, amongst friends and family, on TV and on the web. And they all seem to be parallel in some way. A lot of people have different experiences, but witness a lot of the same things. Black shadows, mists, the feeling of being watched, the room getting colder, noises, smells and physical contact with the body. Some folks have had unfortunate experiences with what would be considered "demonic" or "evil" entities.Which are just that, evil. People become emotionally drained without any apparent external stressors. People experience growling and scratching. Some people have seen things that not even Stephen King could conjure up in his seemingly demented mind. Why are some experiences so mild and others, well, you would try your damnedest to forget? There seems to be no explanation for it. Some might think, well this person opened themselves up to the devil and that's the reason for the demonic hauntings. Is it really? Do we know that for sure? Some say ghosts are just like people, and if that's true, then it would make sense for some spirits to be friendly and warm and comforting, and others to be cold and violent and hateful. Some people are good, some are bad. That's what makes the most sense to me. If a person does evil deeds in life, then what's to stop them from doing those evil deeds in the afterlife? Some people have seen things that make no sense at all. I have a friend that once told me the story of a 2 ft. troll-looking creature he saw in his bedroom. I heard this from a person who is as honest as they come. That's why it had such an impact, this friend of mine wasn't one to just make stuff up for the fun of it. Then to find out other people had similar experiences sent chills down my spine.
     This is a topic that interests me greatly. Some of the experiences people have are profound. Others aren't sure if what they've experienced would be considered paranormal. Others flat out don't believe it at all and claim to have never experienced anything unexplainable. But there is one thing for certain, this is a topic that has also interested mankind for centuries, and probably will for centuries to come. Many believe these things do exist, and in some cases, have a huge impact on our lives, and should be pursued further by the scientific community. And I am one of those people. Do you believe?